Rumored iPhone 5 Specs & Features: Things We Want To See In The Next Generation iPhone

There is a lot of rumors and unconfirmed reports about the next generation iPhone (5) specs and features. Some say iPhone 5 will come with better, improved and enhanced processor while others say it will come with relatively larger screen. Among other rumors is the speculation that it will feature LTE connectivity. The thing is there is no available information about the real specs of iPhone 5 simply because Apple hasn’t revealed them yet. But it’s always good to have our own wish list of the things we want to see or included in the next release of Apple’s most popular device. So, we collated some rumors and speculations to be discussed.
iPhone 5
Improved processor. For specs-conscious people, an improved processor would always make an appeal because it is the benchmark of a faster device. Logically so, improved processor on iPhone 5 will lead to a better performance and faster processing. Moreover, a faster processor adds up to the reputation of a smartphone; the faster the processor is, the more popular the device will become.
Larger screen. The advantage of having a larger screen/display on the next generation iPhone is that things would look bigger in it and that owners will not find it difficult to browse as there is enough space for the fingers. But in truth, the reason why Apple made it almost a tradition to use 3.5 inches screen is because that size is just appropriate for any user; it’s neither big nor small. Besides, having a bigger screen might degrade the quality of the Retina Display on the device if Apple decides to showcase it on an iPhone.
LTE connectivity. The evolution of internet connectivity has been so vast in the past couple of years and users are wishing their devices are capable of transferring data at the speed of light. This capability is also on the wish list of expectant iPhone owners who might be planning on getting the next generation iPhone. It seems people are not content with the speed of our current internet connection.
Slimmer model. Let’s face it, slimmer smartphones are often dubbed as “elegant” than those bulky ones. There is some truth behind it, though. Slimmer but stronger devices often have the quality that goes beyond expectations and that’s where art and superb engineering enters. I might call those devices “amazing” than being “elegant” but honestly, it’s just the art of using words with the same meaning.

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