There were rumors stating that Research in Motion (RIM) plans to license its BlackBerry 10 OS to a particular handset manufacturer but that may not be the case now. Words on the street have stated that RIM will be showcasing the said operating system at the 2012 Mobile World Congress.
Just don’t get your hopes high. RIM did note that it won’t be releasing the said OS until the later part of this year. Thus, it is very unlikely for the company to unveil any new hardware that will be powered by the BlackBerry OS 10. As for the trade show, it seems that Research in Motion will be focusing on the capabilities the aforesaid operating system. The BlackBerry OS 10 will highlight the use of BBM connected apps as well as the integration of NFC (Near Field Communication) that can be used for mobile payments and electronic identification.
It can be noted that RIM did rename its next-gen OS from BBX to BlackBerry OS 10 due to a legal dispute that was filed by a particular Albuquerque-based company. But what’s even more important to know about this new OS is the fact that it will based on Research in Motion’s QNX platform. That may seem like a good thing though. But there’s a bit of a downer. It seems that you won’t be able to upgrade your BB OS 7 based device to BlackBerry OS 10. The same goes for the PlayBook OS. On the lighter side, RIM promises that the BlackBerry OS 10 will flaunt a unified system that can be used on tablets, handsets, vehicles, etc.
This new QNX based platform from Research in Motion seems to be quite promising. We’re certainly looking forward to see the demo at the 2012 MWC. Most importantly, will this new OS from RIM be able to establish a solid base in a market that has already been infiltrated by iOS and Android? We’ll see.
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